Standard deviation

A nice illustration of the standard deviation and confidence intervals.

Author: Till Tantau Source: The latex-beamer-users mailing list


Edit and compile if you like:


\usepackage[x11names, rgb]{xcolor}

% GNUPLOT required


   %\draw [help lines] (-4.25,-1.25) grid (4.25,1.5);
   %\draw [help lines,step=0.25cm] (-2.99,0) grid (2.99,0.99);

   \draw[->] (0,-1.25) -- (0,1.5) node [above]

        \filldraw [fill=col3] plot[id=f1,domain=-3:-2] function {exp(-x*x/2)}
            -- (-2,0) -- (-3,0) -- cycle;
        \filldraw [fill=col2] plot[id=f2,domain=-2:-1] function {exp(-x*x/2)}
            -- (-1,0) -- (-2,0) -- cycle;
        \filldraw [fill=col1] plot[id=f3,domain=-1:0]  function {exp(-x*x/2)}
            -- (0,0)  -- (-1,0) -- cycle;
        \filldraw [fill=col1] plot[id=f4,domain=0:1] function {exp(-x*x/2)}
            -- (1,0)  --  (0,0) -- cycle;
        \filldraw [fill=col2] plot[id=f5,domain=1:2] function {exp(-x*x/2)}
            -- (2,0)  -- (1,0) -- cycle;
        \filldraw [fill=col3] plot[id=f6,domain=2:3] function {exp(-x*x/2)}
            -- (3,0)  -- (2,0) -- cycle;
        \draw[black] plot[id=f7,domain=-4.25:4.25,samples=100]
            function {exp(-x*x/2)};
       \draw[->] (-4.25,0) -- (4.25,0) node [right] {$x$};

    \foreach \pos/\label in {-3/$-3\sigma$,-2/$-2\sigma$,-1/$-\sigma$,
        \draw (\pos,0) -- (\pos,-0.1) (\pos cm,-3ex) node
            [anchor=base,fill=white,inner sep=1pt]  {\label};

    \draw (-0.1,1) -- (.1,1) node [right,fill=white,inner sep=1pt] {$\sigma$};

    \foreach \pos/\percent/\height in {1/34/0.5,2/14/0.25,3/2/0.125,4/0.1/0.1}
        fill=white,inner sep=1pt] at (\pos,\height) {$\percent\%$};
        fill=white,inner sep=1pt]  at (-\pos,\height) {$\percent\%$};


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Open in Overleaf: standard-deviation.tex