A seven segment digital display

Two macros for a digital display with seven segments. One is for coding hexadecimal numbers from 0 to F. The other one allows switching on and off arbitrary segments.


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% A seven segment digital display
% Author: Uwe Zimmermann

  /sevenseg/.is family, /sevenseg,
  slant/.estore in      = \sevensegSlant,     % vertical slant in degrees
  size/.estore in       = \sevensegSize,      % length of a segment
  shrink/.estore in     = \sevensegShrink,    % avoids overlapping of segments
  line width/.estore in = \sevensegLinewidth, % thickness of the segments
  line cap/.estore in   = \sevensegLinecap,   % end cap style rect, round, butt
  oncolor/.estore in    = \sevensegOncolor,   % color of an ON segment
  offcolor/.estore in   = \sevensegOffcolor,  % color of an OFF segment

  default/.style = {slant = 0, size = 1em, shrink = 0.1, 
                    line width = 0.15em, line cap = butt, 
                    oncolor = red, offcolor = gray}

%                     a b c d e f g - segment values
% \sevenseg[options]{{1,1,1,1,1,1,0,}}
\newcommand{\sevenseg}[2][]% options values
\pgfkeys{/sevenseg, default, #1}%
    % first define the position of the 6 corner points
    \path (0,0) ++(0,0)                             coordinate (P1);
    \path (0,0) ++(\sevensegSize,0)                 coordinate (P2);
    \path (0,0) ++(90-\sevensegSlant:\sevensegSize) coordinate (P3);
    \path (P2)  ++(90-\sevensegSlant:\sevensegSize) coordinate (P4);
    \path (P3)  ++(90-\sevensegSlant:\sevensegSize) coordinate (P5);
    \path (P4)  ++(90-\sevensegSlant:\sevensegSize) coordinate (P6);
    % then step through the 1/0 values in the segment array
    \foreach \i in {0,...,6}%
        {\let\mycolor=\sevensegOncolor}%  segment is on
        {\let\mycolor=\sevensegOffcolor}% segment is off
      \tikzstyle{segstyle} = [draw=\mycolor, line width = \sevensegLinewidth,
                              line cap = \sevensegLinecap]
        -- ($\sevensegShrink*(P5)+{1-\sevensegShrink}*(P6)$);}{} % a
        -- ($\sevensegShrink*(P6)+{1-\sevensegShrink}*(P4)$);}{} % b
        -- ($\sevensegShrink*(P4)+{1-\sevensegShrink}*(P2)$);}{} % c
        -- ($\sevensegShrink*(P1)+{1-\sevensegShrink}*(P2)$);}{} % d
        -- ($\sevensegShrink*(P1)+{1-\sevensegShrink}*(P3)$);}{} % e
        -- ($\sevensegShrink*(P3)+{1-\sevensegShrink}*(P5)$);}{} % f
        -- ($\sevensegShrink*(P3)+{1-\sevensegShrink}*(P4)$);}{} % g

\newcommand{\sevensegnum}[2][]% sample characvters

    \foreach \n in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F,' '}%
      {\sevensegnum[offcolor=white]{\n} }

    \sevenseg[size = 2em, line cap = butt]{{0,1,1,0,0,0,0,}}
    \sevenseg[size = 2em, line cap = round]{{1,1,0,1,1,0,1,}}
    \sevenseg[size = 2em, line cap = rect]{{1,1,1,1,1,1,1,}}
    \sevenseg[size = 2em, slant = 5, shrink = 0, line cap = round,
      oncolor = green]{{1,1,1,1,0,0,1,}}

    \tikz{\node[inner sep = 0pt, draw = blue] {\sevensegnum{8}}}
    \tikz{\node[inner sep = 0pt, draw = blue] {\sevensegnum[slant = 20]{8}}}

Click to download: segment-display.texsegment-display.pdf
Open in Overleaf: segment-display.tex