A beautiful, but slightly psychedelic pattern. Note how commands from the ifthen package have been used to alternate between black and red squares.


Edit and compile if you like:



    % Specify the initial square
    \path (0,0) coordinate (A) (12,0) coordinate (B)
          (12,12) coordinate (C) (0,12) coordinate (D);
    \foreach \i in {1,...,14}{
        \draw[fill=\couleur] (A)--(B)--(C)--(D)--cycle; 
        \path (A) coordinate (TMP);
        \path (A)--(B) coordinate[near end] (A)
                 --(C) coordinate[near end] (B)
                 --(D) coordinate[near end] (C)
                 --(TMP) coordinate[near end] (D);


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