A polarization controller is an optical device for modifying the polarization state of light. This is a simplified 3-D diagram of an optical fiber polarization controller.
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% Optical Fiber Polarization Controller % Author: Jimi Oke \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[x={(0.866cm,-0.5cm)}, y={(0.866cm,0.5cm)}, z={(0cm,1cm)}] \tikzstyle{paddle}=[very thick, fill=white] \coordinate (O) at (0, 0, 0); % fiber in \draw[thick] (0,-1.5,0) to[out=30,in=220] (1,0,0); % first divider \draw[fill=white] (1,-.4,-.5) -- (2,-.4,-.5) -- (2,-.4,.25) -- (1,-.4,.25) -- (1,-.4,-.5) (2,-.4,.25) -- (2,.4,.25) -- (1,.4,.25) -- (1,-.4,.25) (2,.4,.25) -- (2,.4,-.5) -- (2,-.4,-.5); % first paddle \draw[paddle] (2,0,0) -- (4,0,0) -- (4,2,0) -- (2,2,0) -- (2,0,0) % first face (2,0,0) -- (2,0,-.1) (4,0,0) -- (4,0,-.1) (2,0,-.1) -- (4,0,-.1) -- (4,2,-.1); \draw (3,1,0) circle (.94) (3,1,0) circle (.9); % second divider \draw[fill=white] (4,-.4,-.5) -- (5,-.4,-.5) -- (5,-.4,.25) -- (4,-.4,.25) -- (4,-.4,-.5) (5,-.4,.25) -- (5,.4,.25) -- (4,.4,.25) -- (4,-.4,.25) (5,.4,.25) -- (5,.4,-.5) -- (5,-.4,-.5); % second paddle \filldraw[paddle] (5,0,0) -- (7,0,0) -- (7,0,2) -- (5,0,2) -- (5,0,0) % first face (7,0,0) -- (7,.1,0) -- (7,.1,2) -- (5,.1,2) -- (5,0,2) (7,.1,2) -- (7,0,2); % third divider \draw[fill=white] (7,-.4,-.5) -- (8,-.4,-.5) -- (8,-.4,.25) -- (7,-.4,.25) -- (7,-.4,-.5) (8,-.4,.25) -- (8,.4,.25) -- (7,.4,.25) -- (7,-.4,.25) (8,.4,.25) -- (8,.4,-.5) -- (8,-.4,-.5); % third paddle \filldraw[paddle] (8,0,0) -- (10,0,0) -- (10, -1.732,1) -- (8,-1.732,1) -- (8,0,0) (8,-1.732,1) -- (8,-1.732,.9) -- (10,-1.732,.9) -- (10,0,-.1) -- (10,0,0) (10,-1.732,.9) -- (10,-1.732,1); % fourth divider \draw[fill=white] (10,-.4,-.5) -- (11,-.4,-.5) -- (11,-.4,.25) -- (10,-.4,.25) -- (10,-.4,-.5) (11,-.4,.25) -- (11,.4,.25) -- (10,.4,.25) -- (10,-.4,.25) (11,.4,.25) -- (11,.4,-.5) -- (11,-.4,-.5); \begin{scope}[x={(0.866cm,-0.5cm)},y={(0,1cm)}] \draw (6,0,1) circle (.94) (6,0,1) circle (.9); \end{scope} \begin{scope}[x={(0.866cm,-0.5cm)},y={(-.73cm,.077cm)}] \draw[fill=white] (9,1) circle (.94) (9,1) circle (.9); \end{scope} % fiber exit \draw (11,-.05,.05) -- (11,.05,.05) -- (11,.05,-.05) -- (11,-.05,-.05) -- (11,-.05,.05); \draw[thick] (10.95,0,0) to[out=-30,in=180] (12,1,-1); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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