Morley’s triangle

In any triangle, trisector lines intersect in 3 points that are vertices of an equilateral triangle.

Note that this example requires the tkz-2d package.


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% Morley's triangle
% Author : Arnaud Lefebvre (IREM Rouen)
% Intersections of trisector lines in any triangle
% are vertices of an equilateral triangle







% Coordinates of A, B and C, the triangle vertices 
\coordinate[label=above:$A$] (A) at (5,4);
\coordinate[label=left:$B$] (B) at (0,0);
\coordinate[label=right:$C$] (C) at (7,0);

% Lengths of segments [AB], [BC], and [CA] 
\setlength{\la}{\tkzMathLen pt}
\setlength{\lb}{\tkzMathLen pt}
\setlength{\lc}{\tkzMathLen pt}

% Computing 1/3 of each angle

% Computing intersections of trisector lines
\coordinate (A1) at ($(A)!100*max(\lb,\lc)!\tA:(B)$);
\coordinate (A2) at ($(A)!100*max(\lb,\lc)!2*\tA:(B)$);
\coordinate (B1) at ($(B)!100*max(\la,\lc)!\tB:(C)$);
\coordinate (B2) at ($(B)!100*max(\la,\lc)!2*\tB:(C)$);
\coordinate (C1) at ($(C)!100*max(\la,\lb)!\tC:(A)$);
\coordinate (C2) at ($(C)!100*max(\la,\lb)!2*\tC:(A)$);

% Computing coordinates of vertices O, P and Q of 
% the Morley's triangle 
\coordinate (O) at (intersection of C--C1 and A--A2);
\coordinate (P) at (intersection of A--A1 and B--B2);
\coordinate (Q) at (intersection of B--B1 and C--C2);

% Drawing triangles and trisectors
\draw (A)--(B)--(C)--cycle;
\draw[fill=orange, opacity=.4] 
\draw (A)--(O) (A)--(P) (B)--(P) (B)--(Q) (C)--(Q) (C)--(O);

% Caption
\node[rounded corners, fill=purple!20,anchor=south east] at (3,3) 
     \textbf{Morley's triangle}\newline In any triangle, trisector 
     lines intersect in 3 points that are vertices of an 
     equilateral triangle.



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