Illustration of a vesicle composed of two lipid layers. A custom decoration is created to place lipid leaflets evenly on a circle.


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% Define decoration
  % Place as many segments as possible along the path to decorate
  % the minimum distance between two segments is set to 7 pt.
    % Draw the two acyl chains
    % Draw the head group

% Draw a vesicle composed of two lipid layers
% Micelle
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet, mirror}] (0, 3) circle (0.6cm);
\draw (0, 2) node {Micelle};

% Inverted micelle
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet}] (0, 0) circle (0.45cm);
\draw (0, -1) node {Inverted micelle};

% Lipid bilayer
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet, mirror}]
  (-1, -2.8) -- (2, -2.8);
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet}]
  (-1, -2) -- (2, -2);
\draw (0, -3.5) node {Lipid bilayer};

% Vesicle
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet}] (5, 0.5) circle (2.5cm);
\draw[decorate, decoration={lipidleaflet, mirror}] (5, 0.5) circle (3.3cm);
\draw (5, -3.5) node {Vesicle};



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