Edit and compile if you like:
% A Christmas tree % By Alain Matthes \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage[dvipsnames,svgnames]{xcolor} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage[active,tightpage]{preview} \setlength\PreviewBorder{5pt}% \usetikzlibrary{% shapes, decorations.shapes, decorations.fractals, decorations.markings, shadows } \newsavebox{\mycandle} \savebox{\mycandle}{ \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.1] \shade[top color=yellow,bottom color=red] (0,0) .. controls (1,.2) and (1,.5) .. (0,2) .. controls (-1,.5) and (-1,.2) .. (0,0); \fill[yellow!90!black] (.8,0) rectangle (-.8,-5); \end{tikzpicture} } \PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture} \tikzset{ paint/.style={draw=#1!50!black, fill=#1!50}, my star/.style={decorate,decoration={shape backgrounds,shape=star}, star points=#1} } \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ ball red/.style={ decorate, decoration={ markings, mark=between positions .2 and 1 step 3cm with { \pgfmathsetmacro{\sz}{2 + .5 * rand} \path[shading=ball,ball color=red] (0,0) circle[radius=\sz mm]; } } } ,ball blue/.style={ decorate, decoration={ markings, mark=between positions 0.1 and .9 step 3cm with { \pgfmathsetmacro{\sz}{2 + .5 * rand} \path[shading=ball,ball color=blue] (0,0) circle[radius=\sz mm]; } } } ] \draw[fill=Maroon,ultra thick] (.75,-1) .. controls (.5,.5) and (.5,3) .. (0.5,4) -- (-0.5,4) .. controls (-.5,3) and (-.5,.5) .. (-.75,-1) ; \draw[ultra thick,fill=green!50!black] (0,10) .. controls (0,8) and (1,7) .. (1.5,7) .. controls (1,7) and (1,7) .. (0.5,7.25) .. controls (1.5,5) and (2.5,4) .. (3,4) .. controls (2,4) and (1.25,4) .. (1,4.5) .. controls (2,2) and (3.5,2) .. (4,2) .. controls (1,1) and (-1,1) .. (-4,2) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-2,2) .. (-1,4.5) .. controls (-1.25,4) and (-2,4) .. (-3,4) .. controls (-2.5,4) and (-1.5,5) .. (-0.5,7.25) .. controls (-1,7) and (-1,7) .. (-1.5,7) .. controls (-1,7) and (0,8) .. (0,10) ; \foreach \candle in {(2,5),(-2,5),(0.5,7.5),(-0.5,7.5),(-3,2.5), (3,2.5), (1.5,1.75),(-1.5,1.75)} \node at \candle {\usebox{\mycandle}} ; \node [star, star point height=.5cm, minimum size=.5cm,draw,fill=yellow,thick] at (0,10) {}; \begin{scope}[decoration={shape sep=.2cm, shape size=.25cm}] \draw [my star=6, paint=red] (-4,2) .. controls (0,2) and (1,3.5) .. (1,4.40); \draw [my star=6, paint=red] (-1.5,5.40) .. controls (0,5.40) and (0.5,6.5) .. (0.5,7); \draw [my star=6, paint=blue] (4,2) .. controls (0,2) and (-1,3.5) .. (-1,4.40); \draw [my star=6, paint=blue] (1.5,5.40) .. controls (0,5.40) and (-0.5,6.5) .. (-0.5,7); \end{scope} % the balls \path[ball red] (0,10) .. controls (0,8) and (1,7) .. (1.5,7) .. controls (1,7) and (1,7) .. (0.5,7.25) .. controls (1.5,5) and (2.5,4) .. (3,4) .. controls (2,4) and (1.25,4) .. (1,4.5) .. controls (2,2) and (3.5,2) .. (4,2) .. controls (1,1) and (-1,1) .. (-4,2) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-2,2) .. (-1,4.5) .. controls (-1.25,4) and (-2,4) .. (-3,4) .. controls (-2.5,4) and (-1.5,5) .. (-0.5,7.25) .. controls (-1,7) and (-1,7) .. (-1.5,7) .. controls (-1,7) and (0,8) .. (0,10) ; \path[ball blue] (0,10) .. controls (0,8) and (1,7) .. (1.5,7) .. controls (1,7) and (1,7) .. (0.5,7.25) .. controls (1.5,5) and (2.5,4) .. (3,4) .. controls (2,4) and (1.25,4) .. (1,4.5) .. controls (2,2) and (3.5,2) .. (4,2) .. controls (1,1) and (-1,1) .. (-4,2) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-2,2) .. (-1,4.5) .. controls (-1.25,4) and (-2,4) .. (-3,4) .. controls (-2.5,4) and (-1.5,5) .. (-0.5,7.25) .. controls (-1,7) and (-1,7) .. (-1.5,7) .. controls (-1,7) and (0,8) .. (0,10) ; % the snow \foreach \i in {0.5,0.6,...,1.6} \fill [white!80!blue,decoration=Koch snowflake,opacity=.9] [shift={(rand*5,rnd*8)},scale=\i] [double copy shadow={opacity=0.2,shadow xshift=0pt, shadow yshift=3*\i pt,fill=white,draw=none}] decorate { decorate { decorate { (0,0) -- ++(60:1) -- ++(-60:1) -- cycle } } }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
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