An illustration inspired by a figure in Bebczuk, Ricardo N. (2003). Asymmetric Information in Financial Markets: Introduction and Applications. Cambridge University Press.
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% Author: Rasmus Pank Roulund % Inspired by figure in: % Bebczuk, Ricardo N. (2003). Asymmetric Information in Financial % Markets: Introduction and Applications. Cambridge University Press. \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{arrows,calc} \tikzset{ %Define standard arrow tip >=stealth', %Define style for different line styles help lines/.style={dashed, thick}, axis/.style={<->}, important line/.style={thick}, connection/.style={thick, dotted}, } \newcommand\A{\ensuremath{\mathcal{A}}} \newcommand\B{\ensuremath{\mathcal{B}}} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2] %Draw axis \coordinate (y) at (0,5); \coordinate (x) at (5,0); \draw[axis] (y) -- (0,0) -- (x); %Important coordinates. These are used in both figures and can be %moved to a seperate settings files %% These coordinates deside where boxes start on the y axis \coordinate (alphaas) at ($0.8*(y)$); \coordinate (alphabs) at ($0.533*(y)$); %% These coordinates deside where boxes end on the x axis \coordinate (cfas) at ($.6*(x)$); \coordinate (cfbs) at ($.9*(x)$); %These sets the interest rate lines \coordinate (rl) at ($(cfas)-.2*(x)$); \coordinate (rla) at ($(rl)-.1*(x)$); \coordinate (rlb) at ($(rl)+.1*(x)$); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %We makes some boxes and connect some coordinates %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %First, let us draw a line connecting alpha^\A_s og NV^\A_s \draw[important line] let \p1=(alphaas), \p2=(cfas) in (\p1) node[left] {$\alpha_s^\A$} -| (\x2, \y1) -| (\p2) node[below] {$\mathit{NV^\A_s}$}; %Second, let us connect alpha^\B_s og NV^B_s \draw[] let \p1=(alphabs), \p2=(cfbs) in (\p1) node[left] {$\alpha_s^\B$} -| (\x2, \y1) -| (\p2) node[below] {$\mathit{NV^\B_s}$}; %A line seperating the boxes. \draw[help lines] let \p1=(rl), \p2=(y) in (\p1) node[below] {$\hat{r}_L$} -- (\x1, \y2); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %The small boxes will be assinged letter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%C \draw let \p1=($(alphaas)-(alphabs)$), \p2=(rl), \p3=(alphabs) in ($(.5*\x2, .5*\y1+\y3)$) node {$C$}; %%D \draw let \p1=($(alphaas)-(alphabs)$), \p2=($(cfas)-(rl)$), \p3=(alphabs), \p4=(rl) in ($(.5*\x2+\x4, .5*\y1+\y3)$) node {$D$}; %%E \draw let \p1=(alphabs), \p2=(rl) in ($(.5*\x2, .5*\y1)$) node {$E$}; %%F \draw let \p1=(alphabs), \p2=($(cfas)-(rl)$), \p3=(rl) in ($(.5*\x2+\x3, .5*\y1)$) node {$F$}; %%G \draw let \p1=(alphabs), \p2=($(cfbs)-(cfas)$), \p3=(cfas) in ($(.5*\x2+\x3, .5*\y1)$) node {$G$}; \end{tikzpicture} \quad \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.2] %Axis \coordinate (y) at (0,5); \coordinate (x) at (5,0); \draw[axis] (y) -- (0,0) -- (x); %Important coordinates. These are used in both figures and can be %moved to a seperate settings files %% These coordinates deside where boxes start on the y axis \coordinate (alphaas) at ($0.8*(y)$); \coordinate (alphabs) at ($0.533*(y)$); %% These coordinates deside where boxes end on the x axis \coordinate (cfas) at ($.6*(x)$); \coordinate (cfbs) at ($.9*(x)$); %These sets the interest rate lines \coordinate (rl) at ($(cfas)-.2*(x)$); \coordinate (rla) at ($(rl)-.1*(x)$); \coordinate (rlb) at ($(rl)+.1*(x)$); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %We makes some boxes and connect some coordinates %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %First, let us draw a line connecting alpha^\A_s og NV^\A_s \draw[important line] let \p1=(alphaas), \p2=(cfas) in (\p1) node[left] {$\alpha_s^\A$} -| (\x2, \y1) -| (\p2) node[below] {$\phantom{N}\mathit{NV^\A_s}$}; %Second, let us connect alpha^\B_s og NV^B_s \draw[] let \p1=(alphabs), \p2=(cfbs) in (\p1) node[left] {$\alpha_s^\B$} -| (\x2, \y1) -| (\p2) node[below] {$\mathit{NV^\B_s}$}; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %Here we need two lines seperating the large boxes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \draw[help lines] let \p1=(rla), \p2=(y) in (\p1) node[below] {$r^\A_L$} -- (\x1, \y2); \draw[connection] let \p1=(rlb), \p2=(y) in (\p1) node[below] {$r^\B_L$} -- (\x1, \y2); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %The small boxes will be assinged letter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%H \draw let \p1=($(alphaas)-(alphabs)$), \p2=(rla), \p3=(alphabs) in ($(.5*\x2, .5*\y1+\y3)$) node {$H$}; %%I \draw let \p1=($(alphaas)-(alphabs)$), \p2=($(rlb)-(rla)$), \p3=(alphabs), \p4=(rla) in ($(.5*\x2+\x4, .5*\y1+\y3)$) node {$I$}; %%J \draw let \p1=($(alphaas)-(alphabs)$), \p2=($(cfas)-(rlb)$), \p3=(alphabs), \p4=(rlb) in ($(.5*\x2+\x4, .5*\y1+\y3)$) node {$J$}; %%K \draw let \p1=(alphabs), \p2=(rla) in ($(.5*\x2, .5*\y1)$) node {$K$}; %%M \draw let \p1=(alphabs), \p2=($(rlb)-(rla)$), \p3=(rla) in ($(.5*\x2+\x3, .5*\y1)$) node {$M$}; %%N \draw let \p1=(alphabs), \p2=($(cfas)-(rlb)$), \p3=(rlb) in ($(.5*\x2+\x3, .5*\y1)$) node {$N$}; %%O \draw let \p1=(alphabs), \p2=($(cfbs)-(cfas)$), \p3=(cfas) in ($(.5*\x2+\x3, .5*\y1)$) node {$O$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% End:
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