An isometric view of a random city.


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% Random city
% Author: Pascal Seppecher
% The blue print color

% The shadow color

% The light color

% The background color

% The basic size of a block

% The height of a storey

% The minimum number of stories

% The maximum number of stories

% The width of a window

% The angles of x,y-axes

% Facade style random list

% Vertical thickness

% Horizontal thickness

% Selects at random the thickness of the horizontal lines
  \ifthenelse{\alea=2}{\renewcommand\vthickness{very thin}}{}
  \ifthenelse{\alea=3}{\renewcommand\vthickness{ultra thin}}{}

% Selects at random the thickness of the vertical lines
  \ifthenelse{\alea=2}{\renewcommand\hthickness{very thin}}{}
  \ifthenelse{\alea=3}{\renewcommand\hthickness{ultra thin}}{}

% Draws vertical lines on each side of the block
  \pgfmathsetmacro\size{#1 * \floorheight}
  \foreach \col in {1,...,\max}
    \pgfmathsetmacro\xx{-\col * \window}    
    \draw[\vthickness,draw=shadow, shift={(\yaxis:\xx)}] (0,0)--(0,\size);
    \draw[\vthickness,draw=light, shift={(\xaxis:\xx)}] (0,0)--(0,\size);

% Draws horizontal lines on each side of the block
  \foreach \floor in {0,...,#1}
    \pgfmathsetmacro\z{\floor * \floorheight}    
    \draw[\hthickness,draw=shadow, shift={(90:\z)}] (150:#2)--(0,0);
    \draw[\hthickness,draw=light, shift={(90:\z)}] (0,0) -- (30:#2);

% Draws horizontal and vertical lines on each side of the block
  \hlines{#1}  {#2}

% Draws a block at the specified position
  % Computes the height of the block
  \pgfmathsetmacro\height{#2 * \floorheight}
  % Erases the background
    (0,0) -- (150:#1) -- ++(0,\height) -- (0,\height) -- (0,0);
    (0,0) -- (30:#1) -- ++(0,\height) -- (0,\height) -- (0,0);
  % Draws the facades
  % Frames the facades
  \draw[draw=shadow] (0,0) -- (150:#1) -- ++(0,\height) -- (0,\height) -- (0,0);
  \draw[draw=light] (0,0) -- (30:#1) -- ++(0,\height) -- (0,\height) -- (0,0);
  % Draws the terrace
  \fill[fill=background, draw=light,shift={(90:\height)}]
    (0,0) -- (30:#1) -- (0,#1) --(150:#1)--(0,0);

  % Sometimes, adds more stores (= skyscraper)
  % Sometimes, draws a pyramid roof

% Draws a basic block
  % Selects a random facade style
  % Selects a random number of stores

% Draws a pyramid roof
  % Computes the side of the pyramid

  % Selects the height of the pyramid at random

  % Draws the pyramid
  \begin{scope}[fill=background, draw=light,shift={(90:#1)},shift={(90:0.05)}]
    \fill[draw=light] (0,0) -- (30:\pside) -- (0,\top) -- (150:\pside)--(0,0);
    \draw (0,0) -- (0,\top);

% Draws a random city of the specified dimensions
  \foreach \x in {1,...,#1}
    \foreach \y in {1,...,#2}

% Draws a hundred blocks random city
\begin{tikzpicture}[show background rectangle,
  background rectangle/.style={fill=background}]

Click to download: city.texcity.pdf
Open in Overleaf: city.tex